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Akashic Records is the story of your soul an energetic record of your soul’s journey through time and space.

Everything is energy, and as energy moves through time and space it creates an energetic record. This energetic record is your Akashic Record. Opening your Akashic Record is going into the energy of the origin of your soul and understanding your life from your soul's point of view. This might be an unfamiliar way of looking at the Akashic Records, perhaps you are more familiar with thinking of the Akashic Records as a book or library if that is how you would like to perceive or conceptualize the Akashic Records that is fine with me. The Akashic Records have information on the past, present, and potential future. It should be noted that for questions regarding the future, the future's not set in stone there is possibility for change. One thing I want to make clear is that all information coming from the Akashic Records is at soul level, a good way to think of it is looking at the big picture.


 Remember that the direction of your consultation depends on the questions you ask. 

Get more connected to who you are at a soul level.​

Help you connect with a loved one who has passed.

Give you a unique perspective and clarity on situations that you are struggling with.

To help you understand why you are repeating patterns of behavior.




The Process

When you book a consultation. I will reach out to you and explain the process of the consultation. I will answer any questions you may have about the Akashic Records and the consultation. Please understand that I don't do consultations on the same day that you book. This is because I don't want you to be in a rush to come up with questions so that you can get the most out of this experience. Please understand that when choosing to get an Akashic Record Consultation you are tapping into sacred knowledge. The things that come up in an Akashic Record Consultation are often deeply profound. On the day of the consultation please have something to record the information you receive, either a notebook or an audio recorder. I am not responsible for your information and I will not remember or record any portion of the consultation. It is important to know that the Masters and Teachers of the Akashic Records do not predict the future, but can show possibilities based on the current path of the participants in the situation. The Masters and Teachers will never interfere with free will by suggesting a path. The Masters and Teachers are only able to answer questions that pertain to you. The Masters and Teachers will not access the information of others. You can ask questions involving others so long as it pertains to you. For example, you can ask, How can I improve my relationship with ____? You can ask for departed loved ones to come forward if you wish and communicate with the departed through the Masters and Teachers. Please abstain from alcohol and recreational drugs 24 hours before your consultation. So that you can fully process the wisdom of the Akashic Records Consultation. All information regarding your Akashic Record  Consultation is confidential.


Preparing Questions

Preparing questions in the right format will help set the tone for your Akashic Record consultation. The utmost rule of the Masters and Teachers of the Akashic Records is free will. That means that the Masters and Teachers will never interfere with your free will by suggesting a path. However, if you were to say, "I am dealing with a situation and I am not sure what to do. What would it look like if I did ______?"  This type of broad question on the future will be answered because it shows a possibility based on your current path. If you ask a yes or no question you will receive a yes or no answer. The masters and teachers will not elaborate any further, they will only answer the questions you ask. It is best to ask open-ended questions with words like "who, what, when, where, why, and how" to get the most information possible. I suggest that clients prepare 5-7 questions for a 30-minute Akashic Record consultation but be prepared for follow-up questions. For a 60-minute consultation please prepare 7-11 questions. I would rather you have too many questions than not enough. I would encourage you to take time beforehand to to sit in a quiet place and look inward to decide what questions you want answered and be prepared to ask those follow-up questions as needed. You might think that the questions you ask in the Akashic Records are not connected, more often than not they are connected in some way. You will never hear something you are not ready to hear in the Akashic Records. Other times you might ask a question and on my end, it will just be blank. Most of the time when that happens it is because it is not something that you are not ready for or this is not something that you need to look at right now. In that situation, I can help you reword the question to try to get more information. If you are curious about something that has come through but you didn’t have it in your questions feel free to speak up and to ask whatever you need to ask to get the most out of this experience. Most of the time if you ask a question about a past life, you will not hear something about a past life that does not pertain to something you are experiencing today. Dig deep when you are writing your questions because the more specific the question is the more specific the answer is. If you need more guidance on preparing questions I am happy to give you advice. I also highly recommend the book 500 Questions to ask in the Akashic Records by Cheryl Marlene on amazon. 


What types of questions should I ask in the Akashic Records?

 There are no limits to what you can ask in your consultation. There are no wrong questions to ask if you are thinking about asking a question, it means you probably should. I want you to get the most out of your Akashic Records Consultation. I think for you to do that you need to ask the questions that are authentic to you. 


Common Topics

You might want to think about what issues you are struggling with, do you have any repetitive patterns of behavior, where are you feeling unaligned or off track in your life, past trauma, personal struggles, career, finances, education, what your purpose or mission, what gifts do you have, romantic relationships, family dynamics, loved ones who have passed, past lives, spirituality, why is a certain person in my life and what can I learn from them, soul contracts, self-love, trapped emotions, why do you feel stuck, health, happiness. 


How much does an Akashic Record consultation cost?

30 Minutes - $45

1 Hour - $75



Akashic Record Level 1 Classes

I am now offering Akashic Level Level 1 Classes. The Akashic Records Level 1 Class's primary focus is learning how to open your Akashic Records. To experience the energy of the Akashic Records. I will provide the class with the course material, notebook, and certificate. Most of the work in the Akashic Records will be done individually working on the art of asking questions and translating the information received. Part of this experience includes the basics of learning to read for others. My next class will be on July 13th & 14th from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm There will be breaks throughout the day. And a one-hour lunch break at noon. More information will be provided once you have registered for the class. Feel free to contact me with any additional questions about this class. 


Register early to guarantee a spot in class. To register you can email me at or text me at (309)-706-2718 to sign up.

Cost & Payment
The cost of the class is $300. I can do payment a few different ways. You can pay on the first day of class by either Cash, Check, Credit Card, Paypal, Venmo, Zelle, or Cash App. Or when you contact me to register for the class you can pay then, using any of the methods listed above.

Limitations of Class Size
Registration for the Akashic Records Level 1 class is limited to 8 people keep the class size small, to make this a better class for all participants.



Hi, I am Abby.  I guess you could say that my life has always been dictated by my passions. That is because I have Asperger's and with that came the urge to learn and research everything I can about topics that I am passionate about. My journey in Metaphysics and Energy healing stared with learning and getting attuned to Reiki in April 2016. Since then I feel like I have fallen down the rabbit hole of sorts because to me it seems like there is an endless amount of topics that I am excited to learn more and more about. My path organically and synchronistically led me to the Akashic Records. After I was took my first Akashic Records class I learned that the Akashic Records are a powerful spiritual tool and one that more people should know about. I believe that I was divinely guided to the Akashic Records



Reiki I - April 2016 

Theta Basic DNA - February 2019

Akashic Records 1 - December 2019

Akashic Records 2 - October 2020

Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki I & II - May 2024


Usui/Holy Fire is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand


Get in touch with me for more information and to set up a time for your consultation. You may email, call, or text me.

Ph 309-706-2718

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